Legal terms

THE ACADEMY COLEGIO BILINGÜE, S.L, with CIF B-57707341, is a registered company in the Registro Mercantil de Palma de Mallorca. This company holds full ownership of the domain name

THE ACADEMY COLEGIO BILINGÜE, S.L. is an educational centre endorsed by the Spanish Ministry Of Education, Culture and Sport with Authorization No. 07007346 and an official member of the National Association of British Schools in Spain.


Camí Son Ametller Vell, 250
07141 Marratxí
Islas Baleares
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COPYRIGHT ( Intellectual & Industrial Property)

© 2015, THE ACADEMY COLEGIO BILINGÜE, S.L., All rights reserved.

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· The information found or offered on this website may not be accurate, in spite of all effforts by us to be correct and updated. Therefore THE ACADEMY COLEGIO BILINGÜE, S.L expressly excludes liability for any such inaccuracies or errors or the damage derived from its use.

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